Sunday 20 February 2011


1st Craving

I got the first craving for baking on Thursday.

I had a fridge full of blueberries, and a bowl full or bananas going off, so I figured I'd make muffins or cake or crumble or both.

I decided to go to ASDA and buy in a load of stuff. FLour/ sugar/ eggs/ fruit, etc.

Then first thing I made was a peach and caramelised strawberry tart. It was good. The only thing that wasn't good, was the dimensions of the only cake tin I had in the house - 9" x 4" round.

I also ended up finding a recipe for blueberry and banana crumble bread. It ended up being more of a gooey pudding, which was not what I was after.

I tried it again, only this time I reduced the sugar by 3/4, changed to flours I was using (wheat allergy), and tried again. Unripened bananas this time. Worked out OK, but this time the middle was uncooked.

I tried again. This time I swapped blueberries for strawberries, rejigged the quantities of flour again, changed sugar quantities and then turned up the heat for longer.

Worked out great and I really like it, but I know there's something missing..

My husband has asked me to give it a few days before I change things around again! :)

The beginning

The beginning. It's where everyone starts, right? Else you can't ever get to the end.

Anyway, enough rambling. Recently the bug bit me. Now I don't know whether what it is. It could be one or all of the following:
1. My age. 34 seems to be something of a revelation to me - the revelation is that I'm going to leave it.

2. Being a Mum. My little boy is utterly amazing - I want to be able to feed him healthy food without additives and suchlike. Or at least cut down on the amount he eats.

3. Therapy. I wonder if me suddenly getting the urge to go all 'domestic goddess' is down to a lot of stuff in my life kicking off, that I have no control of, and cooking makes me calmer. It's my time, my space. I decide what I'm cooking, what's going into it, how I cook it, and I get something out of it at the end.

I think it's probably all 3, but who knows? I guess it doesn't matter really.

If anything, it'll be interesting.

Well to me, probably not to you!

Saturday 19 February 2011